Twin directing duo, Adam & Nathan Freise make films that blur the line between imagination and reality. This interest is grounded in their background and degrees in animation and architecture, disciplines which have influenced their true passion: filmmaking.
The Freise Brothers’ expertise for crafting cinematic VFX runs throughout their reel, from creating an immersive canvas on the green for Adidas Golf to leading a haunted mansion virtual home-tour for a Zillow Halloween spot. The duo have brought their directing prowess to helm projects for clients like SoFi, On Shoes Calphalon, BMW, NFL, and more.
Elon Musk tweeted that he “loved” their cinematic spot “Not a Dream” for Tesla Motors, sending it viral. The anti-oil advert then went on to earn them a Young Director’s Award at Cannes and an invitation to SpaceX.
They have gone on to complete several films for environmental and climate-conscious brands, including a spot for Mahindra Electric’s first electric car, a highly visual film about global warming for The Sunrise Movement, and an ad for Acre Design’s zero-energy smart homes.